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Wisdom Consulting does not propose pre-determined models or standardised solutions for clients. Every client’s situation is unique. We first conduct a diagnosis of the current state of an operation compared to where they could be. We sometimes spend 2 days at an operation at our own cost to do this. We consider the organisational maturity, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of how the work gets done (processes), what tools and techniques are used (systems), and how behaviours are aligned to support the attainment of objectives (people).

After this, we propose fit-for-purpose customized models and solutions to help clients. These are different combinations of fundamental business improvement and optimization tools and techniques.

We use a Senior Consultant Model – normally one Project Lead to coordinate the work of senior consultants. Our senior consultants have over 20 years industry and consulting experience. We will have a consultant or two depending on the size of the project for development and succession planning purposes. We have found that clients get more value from one senior consultant than they would from two or three consultants. Our offering is more cost effective for clients.

Part of the proposal we make to clients includes a diagnostics phase, which covers an assessment of supervisory competency – training, qualifications and effectiveness. Effectiveness is presented in terms of the effects of competence on safety, productivity and output. Production teams and supervisors are given the opportunity to contribute to the assessment of effectiveness.

Training and coaching programmes are designed to improve effectiveness. Supervisory training is aligned to the recommendations of the Mining Qualifications Authority and the effectiveness is measured against reported and validated operational and productivity issues.


We are always willing to come into a project to execute improvement solutions at no upfront cost to our clients, and take a significant share of the additional revenue inflows brought by our interventions. Where we are not willing to take this risk, we will also not agree to doing the project for a fee. Where there is no potential operational improvement due to various reasons e.g. significant capital expenditure required, we will advise as such and walk away until a later stage.

While this would not be an opportunity to yield improvements in output directly, by assisting the operations to build a Management Operating System (MOS) will help improve efficiencies and effectiveness of processes, systems and people management. These three elements are integrated in the target setting, planning, scheduling, execution, reporting, review and feedback with regards to safety, production, human resources and finance.

We impart wisdom to our clients. While onsite our senior consultants train the client team to do the work that junior consultants would be doing during the project. Important skills are imparted for use beyond the intervention. We also jointly develop tools with client for use into the future. The client’s own these because they have been developed by them with our guidance. This ensures sustainability of installations.


Wisdom Consulting is a business improvement specialist consultancy with a needs based approach.

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